GUNUNG SIBUATAN – Atap Negeri Sumatra Utara #2
Project mendokumentasikan keindahan alam indonesia oleh Fiersa Besari
Mount Sibuaten or Deleng Sibuaten in Karo Language is the highest mountain in North Sumatra near Lake Toba. Mount Sibuaten is located on the border between Karo Regency and Dairi Regency with an altitude of 2,457 m above sea level or higher than Mount Sibayak which is recorded as an active volcano which is also in Karo Regency. The existence of Mount Sibuaten is still in the row of the Barisan Mountains.
To reach the top of this mountain takes about 7-9 hours. The existence of the Mount Sibuaten jungle forest which is very humid and slippery, makes it very difficult to climb, especially during the rainy season.
Hello Indonesia GUNUNG SIBUATAN – Atap Negeri Sumatra Utara #1 | Hello Indonesia
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