Indonesia in Crisis: Public Anxiety and Political Dynamics
Recently, the hashtag #peringatanDarurat (Indonesia in Crisis) went viral on various social media platforms. Posts…
Presidential Debate Heats Up: Anies, Prabowo, and Ganjar Clash Over Defense, Security, and Geopolitics
Clash of Ideas: Anies, Prabowo, and Ganjar Spar in 2nd Indonesian Presidential Debate The second…
2024 Election: Anies-Muhaimin, Prabowo-Gibran, and Ganjar-Mahfud, Who Deserves to Lead
The 2024 Presidential and Vice Presidential Election of the Republic of Indonesia, which will be…
Democracy According to Soekarno - In the view of the first President of the Republic of Indonesia, Soekarno,…
Soekarno Tree in the Arafah field of Mecca
Muslims certainly know that Padang Arafat in Mecca is a gathering place for pilgrims from…