Hypnotized by the underwater beauty of the waters of Tomia Island

Terhipnotis Keindahan Bawah Laut Perairan Pulau Tomia

The popularity of Wakatobi National Park is already worldwide. Ordained as an area with the best dive points in the world, making the Wakatobi National Park a must-visit destination in Indonesia. Located in Wakatobi Regency, Southeast Sulawesi Province, this national park area holds surprises of underwater beauty that never get tired of talking about. If you visit Wakatobi, stop by one of the group of islands which is called the smallest of the four other islands, Tomia Island. This island not only presents the natural beauty of the underwater world, even the mainland also has an attraction that makes tourists amazed by its beauty.

  • Terhipnotis Keindahan Bawah Laut Perairan Pulau Tomia
  • Terhipnotis Keindahan Bawah Laut Perairan Pulau Tomia
  • Terhipnotis Keindahan Bawah Laut Perairan Pulau Tomia
  • Terhipnotis Keindahan Bawah Laut Perairan Pulau Tomia

The Tomia Island area consists of two sub-districts, namely East Tomia District which is centered in Usuku and Tomia Induk District which has its center in the Waha area. On this island there are eighteen villages inhabited by people who come from the Bugis, Javanese, Bajo, and Buton tribes. Because it is the smallest island of the other Wakatobi Islands group, it only takes about two to three hours to surround the entire area of ​​Tomia Island. The mainland of Tomia is filled with rolling hills, valleys, and savannas. On the mainland of Tomia, visitors can also find historical sites such as Patuha Fort. The beauty of the mainland of Tomia is no less than the underwater beauty of the island which is included in the world’s coral reef triangle area.

If you are satisfied with exploring the Tomia plains and can’t wait to see firsthand the beauty and rich marine life, visitors can choose between snorkeling or diving. Diving activities can only be done by divers who already have a license. On this island there are already experienced dive operators or Dive Centers, with a dive center so there is no need to be afraid to feel dissatisfied with the experience of exploring the underwater world of Tomia Island. The average coral reef on Tomia Island which reaches 1.2 km will spoil the eyes of divers with the condition of healthy and well-maintained coral reefs, colorful fish and other marine animals seeming to go back and forth without shame near the divers. Satisfied with seeing the beauty of the sea, visitors can return to the mainland of Tomia while relaxing after finishing diving. Enjoying the sunset on the Khayangan hill with the expanse of savanna is a suitable cover to end the trip in Tomia and be grateful for the beauty that Tomia Island has to offer.

For anyone who wants to visit Tomia, there are many transportation options that can be used. From Jakarta, you can take a direct flight to Matahura Airport, Wakatobi in Wanci, with a transit in Kendari. You can also take a sea trip from Kendari with a regular ferry every week directly to Tomia Island. Or if you start the journey from Makassar, you can use the PELNI ship to Bau-bau, then cross to Wanci Island with a travel time of about 12 hours.

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