Aesthetic Dayak tribal accessories – In the midst of the onslaught of the fashion world from outside, the traditional accessories of the archipelago still have loyal fans. This assumption is not a mere thumbs up. As evidence, there are now many designers who implement traditional patterns and accessories in their works. The awareness of the importance of maintaining traditional values ​​from activists in the fashion world was greeted with great fanfare by the Indonesian people, as a symbol that Indonesia is capable of being a host in its own country.
Aesthetic Dayak tribal accessories Aesthetic Dayak tribal accessories
There is no need to doubt the exoticism and beauty of traditional Indonesian accessories. Dayak accessories for example. Apart from having its own charm because of its beautiful shapes and colors, Dayak accessories are also thick with philosophical elements that surround them.
In general, Dayak accessories are dominated by contrasting colors. The various colors of the beads create a pattern that characterizes the Dayak Tribe. That said, the contrasting color is a symbol that the Dayak people live in harmony.
The Dayak Kenyah tribe who inhabit East Kalimantan make beads to decorate various accessories. Dayak accessories decorated with beads in the form of headgear, carrying bags, necklaces, to traditional Dayak clothes called sapek sapay. The beads that decorate the accessories of the Dayak tribe follow patterns or shapes that are considered sacred and bring blessings, such as the tingang bird pattern and the kamang shape which is a symbol of the presence of ancestral spirits.
Especially for headgear accessories and carrying bags, the main material used is rattan. The making of the carrying bag is done carefully so that the resulting bag fulfills its practical function as a strong container for carrying garden produce or for carrying babies. After the rattan is in the form of a head covering or a carrying bag, then it is decorated with beads.
What’s interesting about the Dayak accessories is the addition of decorations in the form of hedgehog fangs or sun bear nails. This decoration is embedded not without reason. The hedgehog fangs and sun bear nails are believed to be symbols of strength to the person who wears them.
In terms of price, Dayak accessories are also competitive or even cheaper than foreign products. Various accessories of the Dayak tribe are sold at prices ranging from tens to hundreds of thousands of rupiah, according to the size and complexity of the motifs made. [AhmadIbo / IndonesiaKaya]
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