Duta Wisata Beach, At the Side of Bandar Lampung City
Helloindonesia.id – If you are in Bandar Lampung, you don’t have to look far for tourist attractions to just feel the evening beach air or enjoy water recreation with your family. There is a beach attraction called Pantai Duta Wisata which is worth visiting. This beach is located on Jln. Admiral R.E. Martadinata – only about 5 km west of Betung Bay.

Duta Wisata Beach is a beach with a rocky bank, making it suitable for water sports activities. On weekends, various facilities such as jetski, banana boat, water bicycle, canoe, and others are available.
This place also provides huts along the beach which can be used by visitors to relax and mingle with the family. Besides water sports and relaxing in the lodge, for those of you who have a hobby of fishing, this beach is also suitable as a fishing spot. There are several spots on this beach that you can use to fish and relax to enjoy the beach atmosphere.

Visitt too: http://balitraveldiary.com/
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