Gamolan Pekhing, Gamelan Bambu from West Lampung

Gamolan Pekhing – Indigenous peoples in various regions in Indonesia have bamboo musical instruments in their cultural treasures. Bamboo is believed to produce sounds that provide magical power in the music produced. This magical power is believed to give a different nuance in a ritual in the community. No exception Liwa, West Lampung, which has the Gamolan Pekhing musical instrument or also called Cetik. This instrument is made of bamboo.

Gamolan Pekhing
Gamolan Pekhing

Some anthropologists believe that gamelan in Java is the development of gamolan brought with Sriwijaya in the Syailendra dynasty. These two instruments have similarities in form, the materials used are different. However, there are also those who mention gamelan as the inspiration for making gamolan.

Echoes of gamolan had faded and forgotten by the people of Lampung. Before the 1990s, gamolan was only used in traditional rituals and guest welcoming ceremonies. One of the reasons why people forget about bamboo instruments is because there are no fixed standards in terms of tone arrangement. The development of this instrument is very limited only among gamolan artists. This fact encouraged the initiative of gamolan artists, including Syafril Yamin, to standardize the notation or tone in this instrument.

The History of Gamolan Lampung

Gamolan Pekhing
Gamolan Pekhing

At present, the development of gamolan as one of the typical musical instruments from Lampung is increasingly visible. The attention of the local government is manifested by the inclusion of gamolan art in local content material in schools. Gamolan also helped color the treasures of contemporary art through collaboration with modern musical instruments.

Gamolan has become one of the identities of the Lampung community which is also featured in regional events such as the Krakatau Festival which is regularly held every year.

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