Enjoying the Coolness of Kepayang Island

Kepayang Island

Helloindonesia.id – This island is the closest island to Tanjung Kelayang Beach. On this island, visitors can take a walk along the long coastline while occasionally enjoying the ocean waves.

That’s a little picture about Kepayang Island. This island feels so suitable for visitors who are looking for a place to relax while sitting relaxed facing the sea. The number of coconut trees that grow around the island adds to the cool atmosphere while on this island.

Access to Kepayang Island

To be able to reach this island, visitors can use the services of many fishing boats located on Tanjung Kelayang Beach. Rent a boat to this island around Rp.350,000 for a round trip to Tanjung Kelayang-Kepayang Island. The trip using this boat takes about 30 minutes.

Kepayang Island has soft white sand. This was felt when you first set foot on this island. Take a leisurely walk while occasionally feeling the waves crashing into a fun activity on the island which is usually the last visited by tourists from all the islands in the Tanjung Kelayang region.

Looking at the open sea and seeing the view of granite in the middle of the sea is another option when you are on this island. There is a unique one of the granite that is here. At first glance, the shape of this stone resembles a turtle in the middle of the sea. In addition, visitors can also see the fragile fish sprouts owned by fishermen who are around the coast.

Tired of activities on Kepayang Island, visitors can stop for a moment at the shops around the island. Enjoy a cup of warm coffee while lounging in the shop is the right choice to unwind.

Visit too: https://balitraveldiary.com/

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