The Beauty of Granite Stones, on Bird Island

Bird Island – From the middle of the sea, this green island looks like a bird. Shady trees immediately welcomed once set foot on this island. This is Bird Island, one of the islands visited by tourists who come to Belitung.

Bird Island
Bird Island

Not only the shape of the island that resembles a bird. When the boat that is ridden to get around the island approaches this island, visitors can also see granite shaped like a bird’s beak facing upwards.

The uniqueness of Bird Island

Walking around Bird Island is one of the fun things. Cool breeze and green trees provide an atmosphere of natural freshness that is rarely found in big cities.

Bird Island
Bird Island

Playing water around the island is also a fun activity. The calm waves and clear water like inviting visitors to immerse themselves and merge with the warm sea water on Bird Island.

Just walking on soft sand while looking at the scenery of fishermen doing activities in grouper fish ponds around the island is also an alternative choice of exciting activities here.

Bird Island is one of the islands in the Tanjung Kelayang Coast region. It is located between Pegadoran Island and Lengkuas Island

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