Harau Valley the awesome natural attractions
Helloindonesia.id – No doubt, the nature of West Sumatra presents a variety of natural tourism wealth that is worth considering as one of the destinations for holiday destinations. The Harau Valley is one example that might adequately represent why the Minangkabau earth is worth considering.

Located about 145 kilometers from the center of Padang City or around 15 kilometers from the City of Payakumbuh, Lembah Harau offers an attractive natural panorama tour. Not surprisingly, this area is famous not only domestically but among foreign tourists, especially backpackers.
Harau Valley is a natural tourism vehicle in the form of a wide plain surrounded by a stretch of natural rock cliffs. The panoramic beauty of the Harau Valley is formed by steep cliffs in the hills that surround it, as if like a giant wall surrounding the valley below. The masterpiece of the Creator of the Universe rises about 200-400 meters high, creating interesting shadow patterns to watch in the morning and evening.
According to Mr. Mawardi, one of the local guides, the Harau area has a number of natural waterfalls. There are 6 waterfalls including those included in the tourist area which is managed by the local government. One of them is Sarasah Jambu Waterfall, which is the closest position to the entrance gate from Payakumbuh.
In addition, there is also the Swinging Roots Waterfall which is the closest position to the visitor’s parking area. Waterfalls that rise as high as 200 meters will be seen to refract the beautiful rainbow colors during the dry season.
In addition to enjoying the panoramic view, another activity that Harau visitors are interested in is trekking through the footpaths up the cliff side. Passing this route to the summit takes approximately 1 to 1.5 hours. This trekking track is still connected with the Kelok 9 area, which is the connecting highway of the Provinces of West Sumatra and Riau with beautiful surrounding panoramas.
Usually this trekking activity is more in demand by foreign tourists. Trekking activities are part of the tour packages offered at several lodgings around Harau.

The most common route to reach Harau is via the Padang-Payakumbuh route. After splitting Payakumbuh City, we cross the entrance gate of Lima Puluh Kota Regency. From the gate to the parking area is about 3.5 km.
Along the way, on the left and right we will be greeted by a stretch of green rice fields that scenic. The beauty of the rice field panorama against the backdrop of the stretching natural cliff wall is one of its own uniqueness that this tourism area has.
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