Katingan Regency Rattan Crafts

Rattan Crafts

Helloindonesia.id – Kalimantan is rich in various natural resources. Likewise with Katingan Regency in Central Kalimantan. The regency whose capital is in Kasongan is the largest rattan producer in Kalimantan. Of the 13 districts, 10 of which are rattan producing areas. No wonder the Katingan Regency is able to produce 500 tons more rattan in a month.

Rattan has always been integrated with the culture of the Dayak tribe in Katingan. Besides being used in various ceremonies and celebrations, rattan is also used as a delicious foodstuff. Lately, the relationship between rattan and the Dayak tribe in Katingan has become even tighter. Not only for the purposes of ceremonies and food, rattan has also been developed into a craft material.

The Katingan Regency Government has made various efforts so that the rattan craft is known by the wider community. These efforts include establishing vocational high schools that focus on rattan crafts, collaborating with banking institutions to lend capital to rattan handicraft businesses, and conducting various trainings.

The Katingan Regency Government has also instructed the owners of rattan plantations to cultivate certain types of rattan. Cultivated rattan includes manau rattan, garden rattan and sabutan rattan. The three types of rattan are the types of rattan commonly used as the main material for making crafts.

Rattan crafts produced by the Katingan community have differences compared to rattan crafts from Java Island. Katingan rattan handicraft using typical Dayak motifs, such as kemang or tingang birds. These motifs are already inherent in culture and characterize Dayak ethnicity.

Initially, most of the rattan handicraft products in Katingan Regency were household utensils, such as various containers, vegetable bags, and mats. Over time and the development carried out, the Katingan rattan craft has now produced a variety of furniture (such as chairs, tables, and room dividers) to other objects that support modern life. In addition, rattan handicrafts have also been integrated with other materials such as leather to produce products that meet practical elements without forgetting aesthetic value.

The price offered by the rattan craftsmen of Katingan Regency is also quite varied. The various rattan handicrafts they produce are offered ranging from tens of thousands to millions of rupiah. Bags and containers are usually sold at one hundred thousand, or can be more expensive depending on the size and complexity of the motifs offered.

Various rattan handicrafts produced by Katingan Regency crafters are not only marketed domestically. These handicraft products have been marketed overseas, especially in Europe.

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