Kiluan Island, The eternal legend of Raden Antawijaya

Kiluan Island – Kiluan Island is an island in the Kiluan Bay area. The island is located right in the middle of the bay’s mouth. So the waves that hit the coast along Kiluan Bay are relatively friendly. Like the township residents on the north side of the bay. The island provides accommodation for travelers who want to do dolphin watching. A different sensation in the middle of the island makes the cost of staying here. A little higher than some homestays in the residents’ villages.

Kiluan Island
Kiluan Island

The exoticism that is owned by Kiluan Island is the main attraction for visitors to stop by on this island. White sandy Kiluan Island beach is still very beautiful and awake. In addition, the underwater beauty behind the coral reefs makes it worthy of being a destination for snorkeling activities. Almost the entire island is covered with shady trees which makes it comfortable as a place to rest.

In addition to the charming natural conditions. Another thing that is the attraction of Kiluan Island is the legend surrounding it. In the middle of this island. There is a tomb that is believed to belong to Raden Arya Antawijaya. He’s a powerful figure from the land of Banten. It is said, because of his magic, Raden Arya Antawijaya was difficult to be killed by his enemies. One time, Raden Arya Antawijaya was inspired that his end was near. He also opened the secret of how to kill him to his last enemy. Until now, the story of this legend invites curiosity of tourists from various places.

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