Kolak of Biji Salak Favourite Drink On Ramadhan

Kudapan Kolak Biji Salak Menjelang Buka Puasa

Helloindonesia.id – This sweet dish is always on the takjil menu before breaking the fast in Indonesia. Various types of compote are usually processed for the Ramadan takjil menu. Usually there is banana compote, kolang-kaling, sweet potato and salak seeds. Sweet compote will be one of the favorites of the iftar menu. one of them is compote of salak seeds.

Kudapan Kolak Biji Salak Menjelang Buka Puasa
Kolak Biji Salak Menjelang Buka Puasa

Salak seed compote is one of the most popular Ramadan takjil menus during the fasting month. This culinary is a typical traditional food from West Sumatra. This drink is called zalacca seeds because of its oval shape and color that resembles young zalacca seeds. This drink is also often called Candil among Indonesian people.

What materials are needed?

The basic ingredient for making this drink is sweet potato. Usually mixed with other ingredients such as pandan leaves and steamed bananas. The combination of sweet, savory and fragrant pandan flavors can restore energy after a day of holding back hunger. This drink has a chewy texture and a sweet taste that makes it one of the favorite takjil menus before breaking the fast.

For those who want to make this drink, the method is very easy. With a delicious salak seed recipe and just right to be enjoyed when breaking the fast. The ingredients are also easy to get. Such as coconut milk, brown sugar, sago flour, steamed sweet potatoes and steamed bananas as a companion for the compote of salak seeds.

How to make?

After all the ingredients are mixed then knead until smooth. Round the dough like salak seeds with the size according to taste. Put all the salak seeds into boiling water and wait until they float. To make the gravy, use brown sugar, vanilla, let stand until dissolved. After that, mix the salak seeds into the dissolved brown sugar. For additional mixture can be served steamed bananas or fro. The takjil menu is ready to be enjoyed.

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