Jungwok beach yogyakarta, white sand beach holiday

This time we will share a suitable place for you who want to holiday. a cheap and fun holiday at jungwok beach.
one of them is the beach, this one beach is quite phenomenal although counted menpunyai far enough distance if in range from the city of yogyakarta. but this beach has a charm that is different from other beaches. ranging from sloping sand beaches, clean white, beach side there are also trees that stand up cool for you to relax.

oh yes before we talk quite far following the address of this jungwok beach. https://goo.gl/maps/xqys8u8fzT22

here are some reasons why you should vacation this place

1. Cool

pantai jungwok
Jalan jalan di tepi pantai dengan udara yang sejuk photo by : dwi winarno

Who does not want to walk the road on the beach with a cool air, accompanied by shady trees on the edge of the beach. want to know his place, yak it is jungwok beach, one of the beaches located in Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta has a dance dayta of pepper. where you can enjoy the cool beach breeze from the side of the cliffs around the beach, with sand that is quite sloping you can walk the road without having to hit the waves.

pantai yang rindang
Pantai yang di kelilingi peohonan yang rindang

shady trees around the edge of this jungwok beach makes you can coolly relax without any commotion of people selling, without having to rent an umbrella. because nature has provided a cool place to rest in pinggi beach.

2. Beautiful high spot
In addition to providing a sloping sand and clean there is a spot where you can take pictures from the top of the cliff is quite high with jugnwok beach view, although it must walk quite far too si, but I think it’s worth it. although the tempt has not been arranged good, but its natural atmosphere is still really beautiful and cool to take pictures.
from above you will get a full view of beach jungwok or rocks located beside the beach, kalin can also get a photo sunset from this place.

spot tebing jungwok
Foto dari atas pantai jungwok , terdapat tebing yang bagus untuk spot berfoto, Photo by dwi winarno

3. Sand Beach that is still clean
A clean beach is the absolute comfort of a beach vacation. Why ? because with the look of garbage here and there will be uncomfortable when playing sand and water along the coast. then from this beach is his place, the beach with sand that is still clean, for friends who will play here keep the cleanliness must, has been provided in the trash for those who want to camp or just visit it. for friends who are camping will be in charge of cleaning cost from the manager of Rp. 20.000,00.

panyai jungwok bersih
pantai yang bersih untuk tempat bermain anak

4. Away from mobile phone signals
Away from cell phone signals? lohh why? , the holiday means rest and fun, for those of you who want to stay away from the hustle and bustle of work related to this phone is probably a good place, why? because this place almost all cellular providers can not reach this place, so you can rest from the busy of your phone, for a moment doing detoxin from cell phone signal radiation. but it all depends on taste, because it is just scare about the comfort of each personal. if I’m comfortable his vacation there relaxed not thinking about work, which usually appears in the phone hahahah.

5. Nyaman untuk berkemah

Beach jungwok I can call one of the beaches are comfortable for camping, because this beach many locals who provide logistics, from tent rental, food, drinks and a place to bathe or worship. with a sloping beach contours would be comfortable for camping while waiting for sunrise, or photographing milkyway. and the tide of the waves at night is not too high on this beach so it is safe for camping. but keep in mind for friends who want to camp is begged not to make a fire to leave the excessive charcoal, so as not to leave the black sand because tercanpur charcoal, and do not forget to pay the cost of hygiene for the father of the manager is also eager to maintain the environment of this beach.

camping di pantai jungwok

well that’s some of the things we can tell from this exciting beach, read also 5 Fun Holiday Tips To Beach

so that you can also get basic info how the person who needs to be prepared if the holiday kepantai hehehehe

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