The oldest mosque in Pontianak, Sultan Syarif Abdurrahman

Sultan Syarif Abdurrahman – This is the oldest mosque in the city of Pontianak. Sultan Syarif Abdurrahman Mosque name, the mosque known as the Pontianak Jami Mosque was established around 1778. This mosque is also one of the two buildings that witnessed the establishment of the City of Pontianak. One other building is the Kadriah Palace.

Sultan Syarif Abdurrahman
Sultan Syarif Abdurrahman

The city of Pontianak was founded by Syarif Abdurrahman Alkadrie on Wednesday, October 23, 1771 (14 Rajab 1185 H). This is marked by clearing forest land at the junction of the Landak River, the Kapuas Kecil River, and the Kapuas Besar River. This land clearing is done to establish a hall and house as a residence.

Meanwhile, in 1778, Syarif Abdurrahman was confirmed as the Sultan of Pontianak. The location of the center of the empire’s government was marked by the establishment of two buildings namely the Sultan Syarif Abdurrahman Mosque and the Kadariah Palace which is now located in Kelurahan Dalam Bugis, East Pontianak District. The name of the mosque was given by Syarif Usman who is the son of Sultan Syarif Abdurrahman who continued construction of the mosque to completion. Giving the name of this mosque aims to commemorate the services of his father.

The unique architecture of the Sultan Syarif Abdurrahman mosque

Sultan Syarif Abdurrahman Mosque has a unique architecture where there are 6 large poles made of belian wood with a large diameter. The mosque which is able to accommodate around 1500 worshipers also has a different location with mosques in general. On the left side of the mosque entrance, there is a traditional fish market. While at the back of the mosque is a densely populated settlement of Kampung Beting, Kelurahan Dalam Bugis. At the front of the mosque, facing west lies the view of the Kapuas River, the longest river in Indonesia.

To be able to set foot in this mosque, visitors can travel by sea using a canoe or speedboat. But there are also alternative routes by land using buses via the Kapuas River bridge.

Sultan Syarif Abdurrahman Mosque has a pulpit where the sermon is quite unique. At first glance it looks like a deck of a ship. On the left and right sides of the pulpit there is calligraphy written on ceiling wood media.

For mosque construction, around 90 percent of mosque buildings are made of belian wood. The roof, which was originally made from thatch, now uses shingles, thin pieces of belian wood. The roof of this mosque has four levels, on the second level, there are small glass windows. While at the very top, the roof resembles a flower bud or stupa.

Sultan Syarif Abdurrahman Mosque is usually visited by congregation prayers when Friday prayers and during the month of Ramadan, when the tarawih prayer is held. When Muslim religious holidays such as Eid arrived, the mosque was also filled with people to hold Eid prayers.

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