Unique and Artistic Nasik Strait House

Nasik Strait House

Helloindonesia.id – As a separate area from Belitung. The Nasik Strait has its own traditional house which is slightly different from the traditional home of Belitung. Besides its smaller size, the traditional house of the Nasik Strait also does not have a front yard.

Nasik Strait House
Nasik Strait House

Another difference lies in the absence of booth space (the connecting room between the main room and the kitchen). In the traditional house of the Nasik Strait. This traditional house only consists of the main room and two rooms. Which are located right to the right and left of the main room.

The traditional house. Which has a size of about 100 square meters also looks unique in the absence of doors and windows in the house.

Nasik Strait House
Nasik Strait House

The traditional house of the Nasik Strait is located on the seafront so that the ships that are leaning into a daily view that can be seen from this house. In addition, the view of people’s houses can also be seen from traditional houses whose material is dominated by bulin wood.

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