Batu Baginde, Big Stone High in South Belitung – Not far from Penyabong Beach in the Membalong area, Belitung, there is a view of a very large and towering granite rock like a mountain. This stone is known as Baginde Stone.
Baginde stone consists of two large stones which are said to symbolize a couple. The surrounding community believes that both stones have male and female sexes. The location of these two large stones right near Mount Sire. Therefore, people in Belitung call it Batu Baginde.
It is said that around the Batu Baginde location is often used as a place for people looking for pesugihan. In addition, Batu Baginde is also a marker of the southern region of Belitung Island.
The scenery around the Batu Baginde location looks so beautiful with the many large trees surrounding it. Visitors can also climb this rock to the top and watch the scenery around the village of Tanjung Kandis where Batu Baginde is located.
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