Belitung Noodle Atep, Artist’s Favorite Noodle Shop

Belitung Noodle Atep – Visiting the State of Laskar Pelangi feels incomplete if you don’t stop by Mie Belitung Atep. Belitung noodle shop located in the city center, precisely on Jalan Sriwijaya. The most famous place as a shop that sells Belitung noodles.

Belitung Noodle Atep
Belitung Noodle Atep

The uniqueness of Atep Belitung Noodle

Belitung noodles sold in stores that have existed since 1973 are indeed famous for its deliciousness. The mixture of noodles, potatoes, cucumbers, chips and shrimp combined with a thick sauce. Made from shrimp makes Belitung Atep noodles taste so good and delicious.

Not surprisingly, this shop is a favorite for artists who happen to be visiting Belitung Island. Starting from Tukul, Rano Karno, until Bondan Winarno had visited and enjoyed Belitung noodles. Which was founded by this woman named Atep.

According to Atep, the founder of the tavern. The Belitung noodle shop he founded at the beginning was not much visited. Over time, the stall became crowded and favored by the Belitung people and tourists. “The recipe has not changed from the first stand and this taste that I have maintained until now,” said Atep, who has been selling Belitung noodles for almost 40 years.

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