Gondang Batak, Traditional Music Art From Sumatra

Helloindonesia.id – Music is one of the very global arts, it is art that can be broad in a variety of cultures. almost in every culture has its own musical art, not forgetting also the Malay country namely Sumatra. This is one of the many musical arts in Indonesia, so let’s take a look at the following information.

Well, you guys, have you ever seen a lot of people playing a drum being beaten at a Batak wedding? well, they are players, batak traditional music instruments, if you don’t know what the gondang is, now here I will discuss what the gondang is …

Understanding gondang as a musical instrument device, namely gondang Batak.
Gondang Batak is an often identified with Gondang Sabangunan or Ogling Sabangunan. This means giving us an impression as if the ones included in the Gondang Batak are just gondang sabangunan, while the other Batak musical instruments are:
Gondang Hasapi does not include the Batak gondang. In fact, gondang hasapi is also a Batak gondang, but the term gondang hasapi is better known as the term uning than gondang Batak.

Types and Functions of Gondang Sabangunan Instruments
Gondang sabangunan as a collection of Toba Batak tradiosional musical instruments consists of: taganing, gordang, sarune, ogling oloan, ogling ihutan, ogling panggora, ogling doal and hesek. In the following description, each instrument will be explained, namely its function.

  1. Taganing
    From a technical point of view, the taganing instrument has the responsibility of mastering the repertoire and playing the melody together with sarune. Although not all repetoars function as bearers of the melody, but in every presentation of gondang, taganing functions as “pengaba” or “Dirigen” (gondang group players) with rhythmic signals that all ensemble members must adhere to and encourage other players.
  2. Gordang
    Gordang serves as a variable rhythm instrument, which plays a variety of musical accompaniment.
  3. Sarune
    Sarune serves as a tool for playing melodies of songs performed by taganing.
  4. Ogung Oloan (peminin or Must Be Followed)
  5. Agung Oloan has a function as a constant rhythm instrument, which is playing a rhythmic accompaniment to a fixed model. The great function of oloan is generally the same as the function of the great ihutan, agung panggora and agung doal and there are very few differences. great prayer to hear the sound
    in the midst of two punch lines and creating a syncopic effect it seems to be a characteristic of the gondang sabangunan.
    The function of the grand dial is for two parts. In one part, it reads together with every second hit, while in the other part it reads in tandem with the great ihutan and once again coincides with the great oloan. Because the music of the gondang sabangunan is generally played in a fast tempo, the dancers and listeners only hold on to the great sounds of oloan and ihutan. Based on this, then ogling oloan which means lower means “leader” or “Which must be followed”, while ogling ihutan which sounds higher, the “Who answers” or “Who obeys”. So it can be concluded that the roles and functions that take place between ogling and ihutan are considered by the Toba Batak people as a “question and answer” game.
  6. Ogung Ihutan or Ogung Pangalusi (Who answers or obeys).
  7. Ogung panggora or Ogung Panonggahi (Which exclaims or that makes people surprised).
  8. Ogung Doal (Does not have a specific meaning)
  9. Hesek
    This Hesek serves to guide other instruments together to be played. Without hesitation, the musical instrument play will feel incomplete. Although the tools and sounds are simple, the role is important and decisive.
    The composition of Gondang Sabangunan
    According to the life of the Toba Batak people, “numbers” have meanings and influences in daily life and traditional activities. “Even numbers” are considered unlucky numbers, because they bring death or end in death. This can be seen from limbs and animals that are always even. according to Sutan Muda Pakpahan, it all ended in death, sorrow and suffering (Nainggolan, 1979).
    So in all aspects of life always try “odd numbers” called physical numbers which are considered to bring blessings and life.

Furthermore, the arrangement of the program should fulfill three parts, which is a form of ceremony in general, namely an introduction called the first gondang, a blessing called gondang pasu-pasu, and a cover called gondang hasatan.

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