Sumatran Tigers Get New Members – The Kinantan City Animal and Cultural Park Conservation Society of Bukittinggi apparently got a new member at the end of last year. Because a pair of Sumatran Tiger children (Panthera Tigris Sondaica) was born in that place on Sunday, December 16, 2018 ago around 07:00 WIB.

The Sumatran Tiger children are each male female. Both of them were born from a mother named Dara Jingga and a male named Panca. With this birth, now TMSBK Bukit Tinggi has 11 Sumatran Tigers in their management.

TMSBK is a Conservation Institution under the guidance of the West Sumatra BKSDA. The Chairperson of the West Sumatra BKSDA, Erly Sukrismanto, said that he could not confirm whether the two Sumatran Tiger babies would be released or not. “It depends on many considerations such as the area of ​​release and age of animals,” he said some time ago

The Sumatran tiger is a tiger subspecies whose natural habitat is Sumatra. This carnivore animal has the status of Critically Endangered according to the IUCN world conservation agency. In the wild, the Sumatran tiger population is between 400 and 500 and is located in various national parks in Sumatra.

Want to see Sumatran Tiger babies? Come to Bukittinggi!

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