Indonesian Cultural Heritage Herbs

Jamu Tradisional

Herbal medicine is one of the many ingredients in Indonesia that has many benefits in the field of health and beauty, herbal medicine has been known for hundreds of years in Indonesia. Known as a cultural property of the country, herbal medicine has been routinely consumed by people since time immemorial.

Jamu Tradisional
Traditional Herbs

Herbal medicine is often referred to as a traditional herb because herbal medicine has been known since ancient times before science related to modern medicine entered Indonesia. Most recipes for herbal concoctions are tens or even hundreds of years old and continue to be used for generations until now. Herbs are made from natural ingredients, in the form of plant parts such as rhizomes (roots), leaves, skin and stems and fruit. As a form of traditional medicine, herbal medicine plays an important role in the treatment of the population of developing countries.

It is estimated that 70-80% of the population in developing countries are dependent on traditional medicine. In general, herbal medicine is considered non-toxic and does not cause side effects. The efficacy of herbal medicine has been tested by time, time and history, as well as direct empirical evidence for humans for hundreds of years that have used traditional medicine.

The term jamu appeared in the New Javanese era, starting around the middle ages 15-16 BC. Because herbs are identical to Javanese culture, the definition of herbal medicine is taken from Old Javanese. According to Old Javanese linguists, the term “jamu” comes from the abbreviation of two Old Javanese words namely “Djampi” and “Oesodo”. Djampi means healing that uses medicinal herbs or prayers and prayers while Oesodo means health.

In medieval times (15-16 AD), the term oesodo was rarely used. Conversely the term jampi is increasingly popular among the courtiers. Then the term “herbal medicine” begins to be introduced to the public by “traditional healers” or traditional healers. Evidence that herbal medicine has existed since ancient times and is often used is the existence of a Borobudur temple relief in the Hindu-Buddhist Kingdom in 722 AD, where the reliefs illustrate the habit of concocting and drinking herbs to maintain health. Other historical evidence is the discovery of the Madhawapura inscription from the relics of the Hindu-Majapahit Kingdom, namely the existence of the “artisan concocting profession” called Acaraki.

Botanists publish writings on the variety and benefits of plants for treatment. So that the herbal medicine that was only enjoyed by certain people at this time can be enjoyed by all levels of society, both young and old, children and adults.

Thus herbal medicine is very popular in Indonesia. The growing age, herbal medicine is sometimes referred to as herbal medicine. Where herbal medicines are medicines derived from plants which are processed / extracted without a mixture of chemicals. At this time, in an effort to cure the pain, people are more interested in using herbal medicine / medicine than using drugs according to a doctor’s prescription. They think herbal medicine / medicine is safer because the side effects do not harm but actually make other organs healthy.

The difference between herbal medicine / medicine and modern medicine lies in its ingredients, where herbs use a variety of plants which are directly taken from nature, while modern medicines are produced from compounds of synthetic chemicals.

Herbs / herbal medicines are not only used for treatment, but are also used for disease prevention, health care, recovery of health, fitness, beauty, daily supplements to increase energy and passion, and increase happiness in household life. The form of herbal medicine is not only powder / powder but also develops, some are made in pill form. capsules, caplets, or liquid.

To make herbal medicine an internationally competitive cultural heritage, a qualified standard is needed. This is done by the Jamu Air Mancur company which complements the standards of international standard products and services by obtaining ISO 9001: 2015 certificates.

This certificate is a quality management system that ensures the best operational guidelines for producing quality products for the world market. With this certificate, Air Mancur is ready to be more serious about working on the international market by bringing herbal products as natural ingredients for health and beauty of Indonesia’s cultural heritage

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