Lampung Pepadun Indigenous Peoples

Lampung Pepadun – The indigenous people of Lampung Pepadun are one of the two major indigenous groups in the Lampung community. This community inhabits rural areas or the highlands of Lampung. Based on the history of its development, the Pepadun community initially developed in the Abung, Way Kanan, and Way Seputih (Pubian) areas. This indigenous group has a specificity in terms of community order and traditions that take place in society for generations.

Lampung Pepadun
Lampung Pepadun

History of Lampung Lampung

The Pepadun community adopts a patrilineal kinship system that follows the father’s lineage. Within a family, the highest customary position lies with the eldest son of the oldest descendant, called “the Counterweight”. This balancing title is highly respected in the Pepadun tradition for being a determinant in the decision making process. This customary leadership status will be handed down to the oldest son of the Balancer, and so on.

Unlike Saibatin, who has a strong aristocratic culture, Pepadun tends to develop more egalitarian and democratic ways. The social status in Pepadun society is not solely determined by lineage. Everyone has the opportunity to have a certain social status, as long as that person can hold a traditional ceremony called Cakak Pepadun. Title or social status that can be obtained through Cakak Pepadun including the titles Suttan, Raja, Pangeran, and Dalom.

Lampung Pepadun
Lampung Pepadun

The name “Pepadun” comes from the traditional instrument used in the Pepadun Cakak procession. “Pepadun” is a wooden bench or throne which is a symbol of certain social status in the family. The procession of awarding customary titles (“Juluk Adok”) was carried out on this throne. During the ceremony, community members who want to raise their status must pay a sum of money (“Dau”) and cut a number of buffalo. The Pepadun Cakak procession was held at the “Sessat House” and was led by an equalizer or traditional leader whose position was highest.

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