Mie Celor (Noddles), Palembang Breakfast Menu

Mie Celor

Helloindonesia.id – If in Aceh there is a special culinary called Aceh noodles, then in Palembang there are celor noodles, processed culinary noodles that are served together with a mixture of coconut milk broth ebi broth. Celor noodles become an interesting culinary, in addition to having a distinctive taste, these processed noodle culinary sellers only exist in Palembang, South Sumatra.

Mie Celor
Mie Celor

Ingredients – Making Celor Noodles

Celor noodles are processed from ingredients such as egg noodles. Usually, sellers of fried noodles in Palembang make their own egg noodles that will be processed, therefore each seller has distinctive taste and deliciousness of the taste of fried noodles. Besides egg noodles, other ingredients used include bean sprouts, shrimp meat, eggs, and chives.

While the ingredients used to make celery noodle broth, among others, shrimp cooking water that has become broth. To be tastier plus a mixture of coconut milk, milk, eggs and flour. To further add flavor, pepper, limo, lemongrass, salt, sugar and add flavor are added.

How to make celor noodle broth is also very simple. At first, boil the shrimp stock, along with the milk, coconut milk, pepper, sugar and salt. While continuing to stir, then add the eggs and flour slowly without stopping stirring. Keep stirring until the sauce is thick and boiling, then add to taste.

After the sauce is finished, then enter into the process of serving. In the process of serving, egg noodles together with bean sprouts are soaked in boiling water first. After soaking, serve it in a dish, and then it is poured with the previously made celery noodle sauce. Add the boiled egg slices, then sprinkle fried onions and thinly sliced ​​scallions. Celor noodles are ready to eat.

Celor noodles by most people in Palembang City are often used as a favorite menu at breakfast. The price is affordable, and the high nutritional value is a consideration why the people of Palembang City choose celor noodles as their breakfast menu. Moreover, many sellers are found on city streets. One of them is sellers of fried noodles in Jalan KH Ahmad Dahlan, Palembang City, South Sumatra. Footnote : indonesiakaya.com

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