Motorcycle pedicab unique in Pematangsiantar – This vehicle is indeed quite unique. The name of the motorized becak. If you are curious, you can find this vehicle along the road in Siantar. The motorbike used for the motorized pedicab has been in Siantar since 1952.

As the period progresses, the number of motorized Becaks is slowly decreasing. Even though it operates in North Sumatra, make no mistake, it turns out that the average becak driver is an average Javanese. The motor used for this motorized pedicab is the BSA, which according to the story, has entered Indonesia since the days of the NICA.

Becak Motor
Becak Motor

The existence of this motorcycle rickshaw has now been preserved. The motorcycle itself is not permitted to leave the Siantar area. To get around the city using this motorized pedicab you will be charged a fee of Rp. 25,000.00. An interesting travel experience that you can get at Siantar!

well, that is one of the unique modes of transportation in Pematang Siantar, Sumatra, surely each region has its own advantages, but this one mode of transportation remains a distinctive feature in North Sumatra.

This motorbike is mostly used for tourism purposes in the city of Pematang Siantar itself, just as it is in Jogja with its famous horse cart used for transportation around tourist attractions.

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