Javanese farm museum – Museums can be an effective educational facility. In the Javanese Farmer Museum, for example, visitors can learn about traditional Javanese farming.

In the museum, in addition to watching a collection of traditional agricultural tools, visitors can also experience farming activities directly so they know how hard the efforts of farmers to produce rice.

The Javanese Farmers Museum is located in Padukuhan Candran, Kebonagung Village, Imogiri District, Special Region of Yogyakarta. The museum stores various kinds of traditional Javanese farming tools, such as luku, garu, sickle, hoe, nggeprak, gejik, and ani-ani.

Javanese Farmer Museum

The museum also stores large red bricks. The collection is a reminder that in the past Candran Village was a village where red brick was made for the tomb building of Sultan Agung in Imogiri.

In addition, a collection of traditional Javanese household tools was also exhibited, such as cool, kendil, pipisan, pengaron, kukusan, and kendhi. The entire collection comes from grants from surrounding communities, fellow museum managers, and some practitioners in agriculture.

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The Javanese Farmer Museum was founded in 2005 by Kristya Bintara and friends. They collected various agricultural collections at the Joglo house owned by Subandi, a resident of Kanten Hamlet. However, the building was destroyed by the 2006 earthquake. A year later, the museum was rebuilt and moved to a location belonging to Purwo Wiyono (Ki Condro), an elder at Candran.

Kristya then suggested building a tourist village with the Javanese Farm Museum as a supporter. He was concerned about the condition of the residents of Candran Hamlet, who mostly work as farmers. The situation of the people was difficult at that time, the yields were erratic and sometimes they were harmed by price games played by middlemen.

The tourist village makes farming activities an agenda of tours for tourists, both local and foreign tourists. In addition to farming activities, the tourist village also offers various traditions and arts typical of agrarian societies. Until now, Kebonagung Village still maintains several agrarian community traditions, including festivity, nyadran, and wiwitan.

The existence of the Javanese Farmer Museum and Candran Tourism Village complement each other. The tourist village not only functions as a tourist place, but also as a place to share knowledge between village communities, managers, and visitors.

This opportunity to experience real farming is the attraction of the place. Not a few foreign tourists who come to feel for themselves the struggle of a farmer in the countryside to work with traditional tools.

At Candran, tourists learn to plant rice, plow fields and harvest. They are also invited to cook and enjoy typical rural culinary dishes. Of course this will be a very interesting experience, especially for city people who have never seen first hand how horticultural materials are produced, especially in traditional ways.

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