Pletek, Savory Snacks Typical of Belitung Island

Pletek, Savory Snacks – In addition to environmental sauce and cake cake, Belitung also has special foods that are usually used as souvenirs for families at home, pletek. This culinary glance looks the same as the getes from Bangka.

Pletek, Savory Snacks
Pletek, Savory Snacks

Pletek has a rather elliptical shape and is brownish white. When chewed, these snacks taste tasty and delicious. Pletek is made from basic ingredients of mackerel fish. The fish meat is then given additional spices such as salt and pepper. Therefore, pletek will taste savory when eaten.

Where can we buy pletek?

It’s not too difficult to find pletek during a visit to Belitung. This snack is available in stores that sell a variety of typical Belitung souvenirs. Usually, these snacks are placed by hanging. One packet of pletek is usually sold for IDR 10,000.

If you happen to visit Belitung, there’s no harm in trying this culinary and making it a souvenir for relatives at home.

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