Siger Tower, Symbol of Identity in Southeast Lampung – Not far from Bakauheni Harbor, a majestic building stands as the pride of the people of Lampung. This building stands towering 110 meters above sea level and is located directly facing the entrance gate of Bakauheni Port. This is the landmark of Lampung Province as well as the zero kilometer point south of Sumatra. Which is proudly named the Siger Tower. Siger Tower was inaugurated by Governor Sjahroedin Z.P. on April 30, 2008.

Location of the Siger Tower
Siger Tower, which is located in Bukit Gamping, Bakauheni, South Lampung. Has a unique shape with nine golden-yellow cones lined lengthwise. This form adapts the shape of the bride’s crown (siger) in Lampung custom. Meanwhile, the budding of nine is a symbol of nine languages ​​in Lampung society. The cone in the middle is bigger and taller which is the top of this tower.
The History of the Construction of the Siger Tower
The unique architecture of this tower was made by Ir. H. Anshori Djausal M.T., native architect of Lampung. The building construction is made with special techniques that make it resistant to shocks and wind. The technique called ferrocement is a construction system with a framework similar to a sturdy spider’s network. The interior and exterior ornaments of the building have adapted many forms. For the filter cloth motifs that also characterize the people of Lampung.

If we cross from Merak Harbor to Bakauheni. This tower will be seen from a distance. And this is a sign that we will soon be setting foot on Lampung soil. Arriving at Bakauheni, it never hurts if you stop for a moment in this tower and enjoy the beautiful view of the beach at the tip of Sumatra. If you happen to pass at dawn and the weather is sunny, you have the opportunity to enjoy the beautiful sunrise from the court east of the Siger Tower.
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