10 Things that make you miss yogyakarta

That jogja really missed! Especially for you who have spent time in a city that has a lot of that nickname. From the start of the student city, the city of culture, to the culinary paradise cheap.
Not surprisingly right, some people who have to return to their hometown after so many years in Jogja, so love really post the status of his longing in social media. Lebay? Ah, biarin! Really emang so! Jogja does have a million stories that always make pengen back again, again and again.
Here are 20 longings that just understand you who have lived in Jogja, as summarized brilio.net from various sources, Wednesday (1/7):
1. Its friendly locals
No wonder if Jogja called special. From the beginning you set foot in this city, you will be immediately greeted with smile almost all the citizens you meet. This is the main reason that can make you feel at home and miss to come back to Jogja. Yes no?
2. Throughout Malioboro full of stories
Do not understand deh, what the magic hell that belongs to Malioboro until so contrived the same way that is famous as the landmark of this city. Each corner always offers its own story. You definitely will not be willing to miss the music of angklung every night on the edge of Jalan Malioboro. Through the middle of the night, get ready to fill your stomach with a variety of distinctive culinary that line along the edge of the store.
3. Kampung Gudeg Wijilan
Ngomongin culinary, not afdol if you do not talk about this one food. Yes really, gudeg is one of the typical Jogja food that is popular almost all circles. From the palace complex, just walk 10 minutes to get to enjoy the famous gudeg village. Like the smile of its citizens, the sweet taste of gudeg with the typical side dishes will definitely make you want back again so long.
4. Nangis bombay abis eat Oseng-oseng Mercon
If boss gudeg, there is Oseng-oseng Mercon which is also open after 9 pm along KH Ahmad Dahlan street. The combination of hot white rice plus the super-spicy oseng-oseng super pungent stir is guaranteed to make the mouth burst. But even if you have to cry bombay so spicy, never go home before the rice runs out!
5. Hunting used books at Shopping Center
As a student city, naturally dong Jogja if filled with many students from various cities and even abroad. Well, for reference books, the Shopping Center is a savior when it comes to reference books published old school that even has not risen again in the modern bookstores. Not only that, you do not need to spend deeply lho, the price is very skewed. Where else can be found if not in Jogja?
6. Enjoy the sunset at Ratu Boko Palace
Try to come at sunset in the court of Queen Boko’s Palace, the view of the sky is really heaven! Moreover, plus the flying cranes form a triangle, uwaawwww!
7. Shop for new book prices at the Social Agency
Which Jogja student does not know the Social Agency book store? This sloping bookstore becomes a mandatory hangout for students looking for reference books at low prices. Especially when the old dates, wuih want to pay aja must ngantre long. No wonder if you must ngantre long, after pay, your book will also be covered with a plastic book cover. Aaakk, miss it!
8. Hunting silver handicraft Kota Gede
Still remember with the silver handicraft shop Kota Gede? Still remember also have to go in and out many times almost all the stores in order to get the silver goods with a cheap price?
9. Paradise beach
No need to go outside the island or abroad to enjoy a variety of interesting beaches. In Jogja, precisely in Gunung Kidul have many dozens of beautiful beaches ready to pamper the eyes. You must still remember dong moments ngajakin girlfriend to Beach Jungwok or Ngobaran Beach? You also must not forget how far away motorcycle ride to Wedi Ombo Beach that has its own sea water lagoon? Oh, please!
10. Warung burjo everywhere open 24 hours
Laper nights pas duit again check? Ah, calm down! There’s a burjo stall everywhere! Open 24 hours again, stomach safe under control, sodara-sodara!
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