7 Typical Foods During Ramadan
hello our friends come again, this time we will discuss 7 food during ramadan month, which is of course typical food of indonesia yes, food usually appear saal month ramadahan aja, even though in regular month also sometimes emerge even though rarely hehehe,
yah ramadhan month is the most waiting month waiting by the Muslims. which is required to perform fasting ritual for a whole month, well behind it appear takjil food that often really appear in the month of Ramadan.
following Hello Indonesia will summarize 7 food during ramadan month, loh kok just 7, yak because we take the most often again next if you have ideas input and info can send to the editor of Hello Indonesia yuk let us review.
1. Kolak
Sweet Potatoes
The typical menu of Indonesia when Ramadan arrives is kolak. This one food is actually a snack commonly eaten at some events. Perhaps because it’s sweet and tasty to make this snack much sought as a meal iftar. There are many foods that can be included in this coconut milk food. Can be banana, cassava, sweet potato, or pumpkin, sometimes also tape. But what many people know is banana compote.
2. Cendol
Well, if this one can be said is still a brother with a compote. Yups, cendol. Cendol is a typical food of West Java. Made from rice flour and served with coconut milk and brown sugar, makes cendol much sought after as a breaking menu. It will be more delicious if this green food is mixed with ice shavings.
3. Es Blewah
The next snack that much enjoyed by the people of Indonesia when breaking the fast is ice cantaloupe. We can find it on the takjil seller or make with our own creations. Es cantaloupe is the simplest type of thirst-releasing drink. That is only made from blewah that has been shaved long-term, then added water, ice, and sugar, this drink can be enjoyed immediately. But many also add syrup or any milk to drink more delicious and fresh to drink.
4. Cincau
Almost the same as frosts, grass is also often encountered in some ready-to-eat snacks. Like ice mix and ice cendol. The rings are sometimes also given themselves with a mixture of coconut milk and brown sugar or syrup. Cincau is a food that is adapted from China. This black and green jelly-like food is made of leaf mesona loh pal. Cincau also has a myriad of benefits for body loh.
5. Kolang-kaling
Kolang-kaling is the seed of palm trees that are round and translucent flat textured. When the month of Ramadan comes, kolang kaling often we meet as a mixture of mixed ice, compote, or fruit ice. Not infrequently, too, kaling simple dioleh only with water, syrup, and ice. In some places kelp kolaling also used as a snack, one of them with processed into chips. The content of water that many in this fruit make kolang-kaling suitable to be a therapeutic relief therapeutic relief ions
6. Pisang Ijo
The menu takjil that became preuan people when the month of Ramadan comes is ijo banana ice. The main banana-based drink wrapped in green flour mixture and a mixture of coconut milk, syrup, and ice is indeed suitable as a menu thirst release when drum magug reverberate. This dish is actually derived from Makassar, but the last few years this snack has a lot we meet in almost all parts of the archipelago.
7. Kurma
This is the food that terahkir most top during the month of Ramadan. This middle eastern fruits when the fasting month arrives will surely be very often we meet in the big streets and centers selling takjil. Dates are also a favorite meal of the Prophet Muhammad. Perhaps because of that, many people hunt dates when the month of Ramadan comes. In addition to eating directly, dates are also often processed as a mixture of foods, such as compote, cake, and various other dates.
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