7 Unique Traditions of Ramadan
The majority of people in Indonesia are Muslim, various events or traditions welcomed Ramadan is widely held in various regions.
well this time I want to share some of the traditions performed by the people of Indonesia in welcoming or undergoing ramadahan month. We take this tradition from various regions in Indonesia, of course there is more information in this country that we have not yet covered in further.
nah from each region and tradition Of course the way is different but the spirit remains the same, which is a form of gratitude and happiness of Muslims will come month of fasting. In Islamic calendar, Ramadan will start with the coming month Sya’ban.Nah on the moon Sha’ban is usually held a lot of traditional ceremonies welcoming the coming of Ramadan.
following the tradition of welcoming Ramadan from various regions in Indonesia:
1. Dugderan
This “Dugderan” tradition originated in the city of Semarang, Central Java. The name “Dugderan” itself comes from the words “Dug” and “Der”. The word Dug is taken from the sound of the bedug mosque which beats repeatedly as a sign of the coming of the month of Ramadan. While the word “Der” itself comes from the sound of the cannon boom that was lit with the bedug.
The tradition that has been hundreds of years old continues to survive amid the times. usually held approximately 1-2 weeks before the fast begins. Because it has been a long time, this Dugderan tradition has become a kind of people party. Although it has become a kind of folk-party-like japin dance, procession (carnival) to the bedug drum by the Mayor of Semarang, but the process of ritual (the announcement of the beginning of fasting) remains the top of dugderan.
In order to maintain an atmosphere as it was in his time, the cannon boom is now usually replaced by the sounds of firecrackers or bleduran.
Bleduran is made of boulded tree trunks are hollowed in the middle, to produce a sound like a cannon usually given a carbide and then ignited the fire.
2. Padusan
Another area is definitely another tradition, people in Klaten, Boyolali, Salatiga and Yogyakarta used to perform a ceremony to bathe or bathe in wells or springs in places of kramat. This tradition is called “Padusa” which means for the soul and body of someone who will perform the fasting fasting in the birth and the inner.
It also means to cleanse yourself of all the wrongs and sins that have been done before.
3. Meugang

Unlike the others, in Nangroe Aceh Darussalam (NAD) or the so-called “Serambi Mecca” city, its citizens welcome the holy month of Ramadan by slaughtering goats or buffalo. This tradition is called “Meugang”, supposedly the tradition of “Meugang” has been around since 1400 AD, or since the time of the kings of Aceh.
The tradition of eating buffalo meat or goats is commonly done by all Acehnese. Even if there are people who can not afford to buy meat to eat, all citizens will work together to help all citizens to enjoy mutton or buffalo before the coming of Ramadan.
The tradition of “Meugang” is usually done during Lebaran and Hari Raya Haji days.
4. Balimau
Balimau tradition is almost the same as the tradition of padusa, namely to clean themselves by bathing or bathing together in the river or bathhouse.
Balimau tradition is done by the people of Padang, West Sumatra. Usually this tradition is done from sunrise to sunset a few days before the month of Ramadan.
Similar to “Padusa”, the meaning of Balimau tradition is to do self-cleaning in the birth and mind, for someone ready to run the fast.
5. Jalur Pacu
In Kuantan Singingi regency, Riau, the community has a tradition similar to race paddle. The tradition of “Pacet Track” is held in rivers in Riau by using traditional boats, the whole community will spill so one welcomes the event.
The tradition that is only held once a year this will be closed with “Balimau Kasai” or wash before sunset until night.
6. Nyorog
In Betawi, the tradition of “Nyorog” or distributing parcels to older members of the family, such as Mr / Mrs, father-in-law, Uncle, Grandpa / Grandmother, became a long-held habit before the coming of Ramadan. Although the term “Nyorog” has begun to disappear, but habits of sending parcel until now still exist in Betawi society. The parcel usually contains raw foodstuffs, some of which contain buffalo meat, milkfish, coffee, milk, sugar, syrup, and others.
The tradition of “Nyorog” in Betawi society has a meaning as a sign of mutual reminder, that the holy month of Ramadan will soon come, besides the tradition of “Nyorog” as well as binding rope silahturahmi fellow relatives.
7. Mungguhan
Mungguhan is a gathering activity for family members, friends and even our friends to forgive each other while enjoying a special food dish to prepare themselves in the face of the upcoming Ramadan. This tradition is a custom made by the Sundanese in welcoming the coming of Ramadan. Usually this tradition is done by almost all community groups although in different ways.
But the point remains one, which is gathered together while enjoying the served food served.
This is a tradition that is commonly done in the community of Sundanese in general, which is hereditary continues to be maintained by each subsequent generation.
well it was a tradition from various regions in welcoming the month of Ramadan, whatever it origin does not disturb akidah good to do, semoa Indonesia can maintain the existing culture and traditions. to be able to enjoy our children and grandchildren later.
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