Merariq Traditional Ceremony From Lombok
Hello friends this time we will tell again or more exactly share it, about custom or unique traditions in our beloved country, because so much we try to review one by one what we know both new and old. this curry we will review the traditional ceremony merariq from lombok,
okay before we start further, lombok it lies where the si. more precisely the island of Lombok (population in 2001: 2,722,123 inhabitants) [1] is an island in the Lesser Sunda Islands or Nusa Tenggara separated by the Lombok Strait from Bali in west sebelat and the Alas Strait to the east of Sumbawa. The island is more or less round with a kind of “tail” on the southwest side that is approximately 70 km long. The area of ​​the island reaches 5,435 km² place it in the rank of 108 from the list of islands based on the extent in the world. The main city on the island is Mataram City.
it turns out from the scope of this island there is a unique tradition called Merariq, then what is merariq ?. Merariq is a sasak language which means married, in lombok area own wedding ceremony done in a unique way that first the bride will be kidnapped by the bridegroom and brought home, where this matter previously there is agreement first with parent of bride . Short story after it is done then the next day will be a procession kaboul permission to validate the marriage of two couples.

In general, the Sasak community understands the meaning of merariq as a term. In fact, the term merariq has a different meaning by turning away. Although in the process merariq is an activity to take a woman’s run secretly to be a wife by a man, but the process merariq occurs by mutual agreement between the two parties.
In addition, in the process of execution, merariq must necessarily remain based on the awiq-awiq (rules) prevailing in the Sasak society. Thus, Merariq will not be equated with a turn that has very bad connotations.
Basically, the word merariq is an acronym of Sasak language that is word me which has meaning please or go and the word berari which has meaning running.
Thus, freely can be put forward the meaning of Merariq as a word that has the meaning of let us run.
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