The monument to the true love of Habibie-Ainun, in Pare-pare
For the Indonesian people, of course, they already know the figure of Mr. Baharuddin Jusuf…
Jamursba Medi Beach Papua Where leatherback turtles lay eggs
Tambrauw - Leatherback turtles (Dermochelys coriacea) are called to have the widest range of movements…
The oldest paintings in the world are in East Kalimantan
The international research team led by Indonesian archaeologists managed to find a 40,000-year-old figurative painting…
Looking at Palm Agrotourism in Kekait Village, West Lombok, Mataram - In Kekait Village, West Lombok Regency, there are valleys that are overgrown…
Pray For Donggala
[caption id="attachment_410" align="aligncenter" width="551"] source :[/caption] Earthquake disasters followed by tsunamis in Central Sulawesi,…
Pray For Lombok | Indonesia
Our brothers and sisters in the Province of West Nusa Tenggara (NTB), especially in the…
10 Things that make you miss yogyakarta
[caption id="attachment_130" align="aligncenter" width="482"] Maliobro[/caption] That jogja really missed! Especially for you who have spent…
The Cool Nature Tour In Yogyakarta
The pine forest of Mangunan Dlingo, Bantul immediately became the hottest image on the 9GAG…
Apa itu hello indonesia ?
Assalamualaikaum wr wb. bismillahirohmanirohhim hi all friends who have come to this web, sorry for…