Jamursba Medi Beach Papua Where leatherback turtles lay eggs

penyu belimbing

Tambrauw – Leatherback turtles (Dermochelys coriacea) are called to have the widest range of movements compared to other types of reptiles. Based on the Turtle Conservation Management Technical Guidelines (2009), Jamursba Medi Beach in Tambrauw District, West Papua, is the nesting location for the largest leatherback turtle in the Pacific region.

Leatherback turtles after laying eggs on Jamursba Medi Beach in Tambrauw District, then went looking for jellyfish, their favorite food to California, America.

Manjula Tiwali, biology researcher and sea turtle from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), said female turtles can lay eggs up to five times in one season before foraging into California waters, in the United States.

eatherback turtles on jamursbramedi
eatherback turtles on jamursbramedi

“And just returned two to three years later,” said Manjula Tiwali, as reported by Mongabay Indonesia.

Leatherback turtles have been proven to migrate across the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans. Leatherback turtles that lay eggs in Central America and Mexico are known to migrate southward towards warm waters or the tropical south Pacific.

The study of 9 leatherback turtles after laying eggs on the nesting beach of Jamursba Medi showed that the turtles moved towards various tropical waters, namely to Philippine and Malaysian waters, waters in Japan, and across the Pacific equatorial to warm waters in North America.

Leatherback turtles that cross the Pacific Ocean arrive in waters near Oregon, America in August, when the jellyfish aggregation was high. This shows that the purpose of migration is related to the availability of food sources.

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