Petilasan Tuanku Imam Bonjol in the Land of Exile - In mid-1837, after several wars, the Dutch colonial government finally succeeded in apprehending…
Ismail Marzuki
Helloindonesia - Ismail Marzuki (born in Kwitang, Senen, Central Jakarta, May 11, 1914 – died…
30 September PKI Movement, Commemorating Indonesia’s dark history - Indonesia has a dark history in the struggle to defend its independence, there…
Commemoration on the Tomb of Opu Daeng Menambon - Heading to the Tomb of Opu Daeng Menambon is not easy. Its location…
Bung Hatta Birthplace, the independence proclaimer - Bukittinggi has become the womb of a number of great figures who have…
Remembering the fighting spirit of Cut Nyak Dhien - For those of you who like history, the Cut Nyak Dhien House in…
The Indonesian Flag Tailor, Ms. Fatmawati - Fatmawati was born on Monday, 5 February 1923 at 12.00 noon in the…
R.A. Kartini, After Darkness Revealed Light (Door Duisternis Tot Licht) - The collection which was later given the title Dark Out of Light, written…
Democracy According to Soekarno - In the view of the first President of the Republic of Indonesia, Soekarno,…