National Telegraph Postal Day, 27 September

Hari pos telekomuniskasi telegraf – The Day of the Republic of Indonesia Telecommunications Telecommunications Post is often referred to as PT Pos Indonesia. The flow of telephone and telegraph technology developments that entered Indonesia also changed the postal service system in Indonesia.

In 1906, the post in Indonesia was finally changed to the Bureau of Post, Telegraph, and Telephone (PTT). At the time of the Japanese occupation of Indonesia, the PTT Bureau was controlled by the Japanese military.

The historic event of the takeover of the PTT Bureau from Japanese government power by Indonesian sons and daughters who were members of the Young Post Telegraph and Telephone Force (AMPTT) on September 27, 1945.

Then PTT changed its name to “Jawatan PTT Republic of Indonesia”. The event is commemorated as PTT Bhakti Day or Parpostel Bhakti Day.

After Indonesia proclaimed independence, the journey and subsequent development of the post was regulated by the state. This post name change is generally caused by a change in its service and is regulated by law.

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