Kuto Besak , Heritage Castle of Darussalam Sultanate

Kuto Besak

Helloindonesia.id – After the Srivijaya Kingdom collapsed in the 13th century. South Sumatra had become a no-man’s land and a place for pirates to nest. Palembang became a lonely city, unlike when the Kingdom of Srivijaya was in power. A few years after the collapse of the Kingdom of Srivijaya, then stood the Sultanate of Palembang nuanced Islam. And based in the city of Palembang.

Kuto Besak
Kuto Besak

History of the Palembang Sultanate

Palembang Darussalam Sultanate is an Islamic kingdom. That has a great influence in the development of Islamic teachings in the archipelago. From the empire that had been established since the 1700s. Several Islamic figures who were influential in the struggle against the Dutch colonialism were born. One of whom was Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II.

Aside from abandoning Islamic teachings, the Palembang Sultanate also left a number of historical buildings that are still witnessed. These historic buildings include the Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II Museum and Benteng Kuto Besak to the west. The existence of Benteng Kuto Besak cannot be separated from the Sultanate of Palembang, given the main purpose of the establishment of the fort was intended as a defense against foreign invaders.

Kuto Besak
Kuto Besak

Benteng Kuto Besak has a length of about 288 meters and a width of more than 187 meters, this measure is used to protect the existence of the New Kuto Palace and the Old Kuto Palace in it. Kuto Besak Fortress was built since 1780 during the reign of Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin I, who was in power in the span of 1776-1803. After his reign ended, the construction of Benteng Kuto Besak was then continued by Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II until finally it was completed in 1821.

Architectural Style of Kuto Besak Fortress

Benteng Kuto Besak generally adopts the architectural style of French buildings. The unique fort was built using raw materials in the form of limestone imported directly from Ogan Komering Ilir Regency. Now, the inside of the historic fort is used as an office space of the Sriwijaya Military Regional Command (Kodam). With this status, Benteng Kuto Besak must not be entered by just anyone, even though there is a lot of historical information that needs to be known by the general public.

Visit too: https://helloindonesia.id/
Footnote: Indonesiakaya.com

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