Panorama of Ampangan Peak at the foot of Mount Sago

Ampangan Peak – The undulating contours of the region make a gift for Payakumbuh City. The beauty of the natural panorama of many presented around the third largest city in West Sumatra Province. One of them is the Ampangan panorama located in Kenagarian Aur Kuning, Ampangan Village, South Payakumbuh.

Surrounded by a beautiful, green environment, the object at the foot of Mount Sago is the perfect escape from all the fatigue of the daily routine of urban communities.

This tourist area is actually just an ordinary field that is located right on Puncak Bukit Ampangan. However, its position at an altitude of about 650 meters above sea level makes this field has a special view.

The elevation gives a fairly wide range of views to the surrounding low-lying areas, especially the area to the north which is none other than the center of Payakumbuh City. Not surprisingly, if this makes Puncak Ampangan become one of the right places to enjoy views of Payakumbuh City.

Ampangan Peak
Ampangan Peak

Its strategic position makes this peak keep an extraordinary historical story. It was stated, this region had a vital role in the struggle to defend the independence of the Republic of Indonesia, especially during the period of Dutch military aggression II (1948-1949). At that time, the Indonesian government was temporarily transferred to Bukittinggi under the leadership of Sjafruddin Prawiranegara.

At that time, the area south of Payakumbuh became one of the defense centers for the military strength of the Emergency Government of the Republic of Indonesia (PDRI).

Besides enjoying the view, Puncak Ampangan is also a suitable place for various nature recreation activities. The asphalt road that is uphill and winding becomes a suitable place for mountain biking or trekking.

For those whose strength is a little limited, there is an alternative route via a stepped footpath with shorter distances. For those who want a more challenging outdoor adventure sensation, at Puncak Ampangan, visitors can try to set up a tent and spend the night while enjoying the view of Payakumbuh City which is adorned with flickering lights at night.

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