Pindang typical Lampung in Fresh Spicy Acid Soup

Lampung Pindang – The word “pindang” may be familiar in the vocabulary of culinary terms in this country. Many regions have their own definition of this culinary term. The basic ingredients are also varied, ranging from eggs in Jogja, beef ribs in Palembang, and milkfish in Semarang. All of these ingredients can be processed together into a dish called “Pindang” – but with a totally different cooking and cooking technique. Lampung Province, which is rich in various fisheries products, also has special types of boiled dishes.

Lampung Pindang
Lampung Pindang

Pindang dishes in the culinary treasures of Lampung are almost identical to fish. Pindang for the people of Lampung can indeed be interpreted as a kind of soup or a fish-based soup, with a flavorful soup that is rich in spices. Fish that are the basic ingredients of typical boiled Lampung generally include freshwater fish. Among the many types of fish that are processed into pindang include catfish, cork, baung, and pomfret.

Characteristic of Pindang Lampung

In addition to the basic ingredients, the taste of fresh gravy is also a characteristic of Lampung’s traditional cuisine. Seasoning concoction consisting of red chili, lemongrass, galangal, bay leaves, orange leaves, onion, garlic, and turmeric present a spicy savory taste with a strong spice aroma. Additional tomato slices bring a fresh sour taste. Some people equate the taste produced by boiled fish is similar to tom yam dishes from Thailand.

Lampung Pindang
Lampung Pindang

Another specialty of Lampung Pindang is its complementary dishes. A bowl of boiled fish is usually served with a small bowl of chili paste and tempoyak. Tempoyak is a processed durian fermentation with a unique taste and slightly pungent aroma. The combination of pindang, chili paste, and tempoyak produces a very unique taste and is worth your try.

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