Ulee Kareng Cofee, Tradional from Aceh

Ulee Kareng

Helloindonesia.id – Apparently coffee Ulee Kareng ACRH has an extraordinary characteristic of flavor, texture to the shape. Coffee Ulee Kareng in serve in 2 forms that are powdered and without powder with liquid form. Liquid coffee first at Preheat the Denvan of the powder content and a certain portion then in the contents of Kegelas, while the buddled glass is still in the glasses because it is not grinded before.

Ulee Kareng
Ulee Kareng

The taste of the first automatic coffee tastes bitter, type of any coffee but some coffee is an effect to the stomach and partly does not cause effects to the stomach. Coffee Ulee Kareng The type that we present today is different from other coffee, because this coffee is not mixed with several other miscellaneous blends. Each coffee you want to serve is freshly ground coffee with the machine by selecting some of the coffee beans that have been prepared.

Other types of coffee I usually do not feel at home and will nausea after drinking because there are symptoms of stomach, but coffee ulee Kareng this one extends my mouth and stomach so that it is properly safe and enjoy. Coffee Ulee Kareng is often combined with milk, chicken eggs or coffee ducks are often called special coffe.

If you are curious about coffee this one, you can visit directly in Ulee Kareng Banda Aceh, Aceh province.

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