Commemoration of the Laskar Pelangi film - This school is an important part of the Laskar Pelangi film. This is…
Dewi Kwan Im Temple, the Oldest temple in Belitung - This temple is the largest and oldest temple in Belitung Island. Every day,…
The charm of the beautiful Parai Tenggiri Beach - Formerly called Hakok Beach, this beach has changed to Parai Tenggiri Beach. It…
Penyabong Beach, Beach with a view of the islands - South of Belitung, precisely in the Membalong area, you can find several beautiful…
Enjoying the Coolness of Kepayang Island - This island is the closest island to Tanjung Kelayang Beach. On this island,…
Kuto Besak , Heritage Castle of Darussalam Sultanate - After the Srivijaya Kingdom collapsed in the 13th century. South Sumatra had become…
Brengkes Tempoyak, Fish and Durian Blend into one dish - South Sumatra is synonymous with the kingdom of Srivijaya. Known as the largest…
Chinatown Exotica in Kampong Kapitan - The collapse of the Kingdom of Srivijaya in the XI century. Became the…
Mie Celor (Noddles), Palembang Breakfast Menu - If in Aceh there is a special culinary called Aceh noodles, then in…