Typical Enchantment of Ternate Weaving
Helloindonesia.id – Ikat woven cloth is a type of old cloth that has been known in Indonesia since ancient times. Almost every region of Indonesia has its own woven fabric. Starting from the region of West to East Indonesia has its own characteristics in the woven fabric. Woven fabrics usually have prices that are not cheap, but are very reasonable because the process is complicated and takes days. One woven fabric that is unique and has a strong character is the original woven fabric of Ternate.

Fabrics of Ternate Weaving are rarely heard and are less popular in the Indonesian fashion world. However, this cloth is something rare and has been around for quite a long time in Ternate. One area in Ternate called Koloncucu is the center of its manufacture and this fabric has been handed down for generations in this place. Many Ternate woven fabric craftsmen who come from this place, and usually weave not only become a source of income but a hobby that will fill their spare time.
To make one woven fabric, usually the craftsman must take about 1 week. However, it can be 1 month if the fabric motif is quite complicated. First, threads that are the base material must be decomposed and stretched vertically using equipment that is generally made of bamboo and wood. Then, the craftsman must cross the other thread to form a motif and tie it to strong and form a cloth. This is why this cloth is called tie weaving. After continuing to work for some time, the cloth is ready to be folded and packaged for sale.
Basically, Ternate woven fabric is no different from other woven fabrics in Indonesia. Ranging from threads that are the basic ingredients, equipment to manufacturing techniques are the same as woven fabrics from other regions. But what distinguishes this high-priced fabric is the motif that is his trademark. For fabrics, weaving Ternate will usually use various motifs related to the diversity of North Maluku related to the sea world such as fish, shellfish, or seabirds.
Although it has many similarities with other woven fabrics in Indonesia, this fabric has a very interesting history to explore. According to a mother who became a weaver in Koloncucu, Ternate, the weaving culture was originally not originally from Ternate. This art craft was carried by migrants who came from Sulawesi to Ternate and passed down through generations. Finally, over time, this woven fabric has adapted and has its own characteristics to be different from the original woven fabric. From this story, Ternate’s woven cloth also appeared and became a typical Ternate craft that had been inherited between generations.
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