Sigajang Laleng Lipa, The Way Bugis Communities Solve Problems – Not only in film films, solving problems in society is done in extreme ways. in Indonesia there is also a method, one of which is what is done by the Bugis community.
onon, Bugis people have a unique and very dangerous way to solve problems. Two men from both sides of the problem will stab each other with badik in the sarong. The tradition of resolving the problem is called Sigajang Laleng Lipa.

Sigajang Laleng Lipa

In the past, especially in the Bugis kingdom, this tradition was known by another name Sitobo Lalang Lipa. this tradition is done when between two families are involved in a dispute or problem. Sigajang Laleng Lipa is the last way to resolve a conflict after consensus meeting is not achieved, hi this often happens when two parties feel the same together.

The source of this tradition is from the Bugis culture that upholds shame, or in the local bugis language called siri. Bugis people will do anything when they feel their pride is trampled on, they will do anything to keep their honor alive. although sometimes what is done is sometimes paid for with life.

Siri or shame culture is very strong in Bugis community life. Bugis people even have an expression, only people who have siri are considered as humans. There is also a Bugis proverb, “Siri paranreng palao life.” That is to say, damaged self-esteem can only be paid for with the life of the opponent

The Sigajang Laleng Lipa ritual was carried out by two people who dangled in a sarong. by using Badik weapons, the two will fight and stab the standard. in that tradition it is certainly not the responsibility of the bet. and certainly one of the fighters might die. but also can both be killed or even be a series.
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The problem will be considered complete when the fight has been carried out, both parties must not have any resentment. in this fight used sarong must have its own meaning. Sarong is a symbol of the unity and togetherness of the Bugis community. Being in a sarong means showing, they are in a bond that unites.

However, as time went on, this very dangerous ritual began to be abandoned. Even so, once in a while this ritual was carried out again, but as a form of performance. No other purpose is to preserve the cultural heritage of the Bugis tribe.

The performance begins with a dance performance and rituals of self-immolation of dancers using torches. Then proceed with giving a mantra by a Bissu (clergy) to participants from both parties who will carry out the Sigajang Laleng Lipa tradition.

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