The fate of one-horned Javan Rhino on Mount Anak Krakatau – Mount Anak Krakatau eruption which caused a tsunami in the Sunda Strait on Saturday, December 22, 2018 also swept a part of the Ujung Kulon National Park (TNUK) area in Pandeglang Regency, Banten.

Two national park officials including the dead. They were carried away while a number of TNUK office and ship buildings were also destroyed by the tsunami.

However, the waves did not drag along with the endangered Javan rhinoceros, which currently only has 67 tails.
 “We believe that this rhinoceros is safe, because this wave comes from the north coast, while there is not too much rhinoceros on the north coast,” said Mamat Rahmat, head of Ujung Kulon National Park, told BBC News Indonesia, Rivan Dwiastono Wednesday (12/26).

“They play more on the south coast, the concentration area on the south coast.
“According to Mamat, besides damaging buildings and a number of equipment belonging to the national park, the tsunami” only “leveled the vegetation up to 100 meters from the shoreline in Citelang, Jamang, and Tanjung Alang-alang.

After this incident, the plan has been planned to run a new habitat for these animals, to avoid things that are not wanted. The threat of Anak Krakatau to the preservation of the Javan rhino or one-horned rhinoceros has actually been discussed by environmental activists and the government for a long time, especially since the top of the mountain popped up from the sea surface in 2013.

a lot of consideration must be taken before the partial transfer of rhinoceros to the second habitat is carried out. Among them is the selection of the mother of rhinos who must be in good health, have the closest kinship with each other, and of course, are able to reproduce.

the location of the new habitat must also be able to meet the needs of these rhinos, so that they are not extinct and can be preserved.

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