PLTD Apung Banda Aceh, bukti dahsyatnya tsunami – If you are visiting Aceh and are on Teuku Umar Street, on the right side of the Tsunami Museum located on the road, you will find an entrance approximately 100 meters to the back. Here stands a gate with an Art Deco architecture with marble inscriptions lined up on the right and left.

This is the last place for thousands of Dutch soldiers who died in an attempt to occupy Aceh. People call this funeral complex ‘Kerkhof Peutjoet’.
The name of this funeral complex is indeed quite unique because it is a blend of Acehnese and Dutch languages. Kerkhof in Dutch means grave. Consists of two syllables, ‘kerk’ which means church and ‘hoff’ which means page.
Maybe because in general the grave in the Netherlands is located on the side of the church then the combination of these two words is then associated with the grave. The word ‘Peutjoet’ itself is historically derived from the name of a crown prince of the Sultanate of Aceh named Meurah Pupok. The Crown Prince who is none other than the son of Iskandar Muda, has a favorite call ‘Photeu Tjoet’ (Pocut). Photeu means ‘king’, while Tjoet means ‘small’.
Meurah Pupok is buried in a small hill in this complex along with two other graves. He was buried separately from other imperial families after being sentenced to stoning by his father, Sultan Iskandar Muda. According to an Aceh Historian, there are many historical versions of the incident.
There is a history that says this sentence was handed down because of the Crown Prince’s affair with a Dutch girl. Another history says that Meurah Pupok had an affair with the wife of an Aceh Sultanate officer and there was also a mention that he was actually slandered. Apart from the various versions of history, this event is the origin of this burial complex.
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