Asem Pandeh Meat, Minang Special Spicy Sour Meat - Besides rendang, Padang also has one more special culinary namely meat pandeh acid.…
Kacimuih, Savory Cassava with Sprinkles of Coconut - Besides being famous for its culinary rendang, West Sumatra is also famous for…
Tukik captivity in Pariaman Turtle Conservation Center - Besides being known as a tourism object of the Clock Tower, West Sumatra…
Bika Ambon, Special food from Ambon - Bika Ambon is a typical snack in Medan. In Medan, Jalan Majapahit in…
Gayo Traditional Horse Racing in Aceh - Gayo Traditional Race is held 2 (two) times each year in Central Aceh…
Ayam Tangkap, Aceh Traditional Culinary - Nothing wrong if you immediately furrow your forehead when you hear the name.…
Rencong, Aceh’s Traditional Weapon - Rencong was so popular with the people of Aceh that Aceh came to…
Ie Seuum, Enjoy the Warmth of a Natural Spring - If Ciwidey has Ciwalini, then Aceh Besar has Ie Seuum. The hot spring…
History of Japanese Occupation on Weh Island - In its historical trajectory, Pulau Weh is one of the strategic points in…